Large Language Models such as ChatGPT are phenomenal, they are capable of performing a wide range of tasks such as summarization, translation, programming and way more. However, many companies offering LLM use input prompts and interactions with the models as training data to improve the capabilities of the model. With that, a risk of having the model reveal sensitive information …
Recovering a hacked website – Recovery THM Writeup
Alex is in a big trouble, she has opened a malicious binary that was emailed to her and she ran it on the production web server. As she is our friend, we need to step in and help her. This is the story of a new box at There is a tl;dr section at the end of the post …
Hacking Jeff – Writeup
Jeff has started his web development but little did he know that hackers are always ready to break in, at any day and time. Jeff’s website is accessible through a virtual machine via (a platform for learning and practicing penetration testing). Let’s see whether we can pwn his web server or not. Deploy Jeff’s machine and let the fun …